test - uqorgtst

Select a unit type from the list below to view all the units of that type.

» Vice-Chancellor
» Senior Executive
» Faculty
» School
» Department
» Faculty/School Division/Unit
» Institute
» University Centre
» Faculty Centre
» School Centre
» Institute Centre
» Clinical School
» Unit/Group
» Teaching and/or Research Facility
» Joint UQ/Outside Organisation(s) Centre
» Research Station
» Learning Support Unit
» Administrative Division
» Administrative Directorate
» Administrative Section/Unit
» Academic/Student Service
» Administrative Sub-Section
» Affiliated Organisation
» Independent Operation
» Residential College
» Division
» Administrator Unit Code
» Discipline

All units of the type selected are displayed below. Select a unit for more information about it.

Administrative Section/Unit

» Academic Policy and Programs
» Admissions
» Advancement Services
» Alumni and Community Engagement
» Application Administration (ITS)
» Application Development and Support (ITS)
» AusCERT Services (ITS)
» Australian Research Data Commons
» Business Enhancement Projects
» Business Intelligence
» Campus Operations (Property and Facilities)
» Campus Planning (Property and Facilities)
» Career Development
» Co-Ordination Centre (ITS)
» Collections and Receivables
» Communications
» Consulting and Research Expertise
» Corporate Finance
» Corporate Operations
» Corporate Publications
» Corporate Web Services
» Counselling
» Customs House
» Data Services (ITS)
» Design and Desktop Publishing
» Diversity, Disability and Inclusion
» eLearning Systems and Support (University of Queensland Library)
» Energy Management (Property and Facilities)
» Enterprise Applications Support (ITS)
» Enterprise Governance
» Enterprise Risk and Compliance
» Entrepreneurship (UQ Ventures)
» Executive Director, Research Office
» Faculty Operations (Medicine)
» Finance Client Partnering (Central)
» Finance Client Support Services
» Financial Planning and Analysis
» Future Students
» Future Students Australia
» Future Students International
» Games Engagement
» Gatton Student Centre
» Genome Innovation Hub
» Global and Institutional Philanthropy
» Global Strategy & Partnerships
» Government Partnerships and Policy
» Grounds (Property and Facilities)
» Health Translation Queensland
» HR Client Partnering - BEL
» HR Client Partnering - Central
» HR Client Partnering - EAIT
» HR Client Partnering - HABS
» HR Client Partnering - HaSS
» HR Client Partnering - Institutes
» HR Client Partnering - Medicine
» HR Client Partnering - Science
» Information Environments Program - Ipswich
» Infrastructure and Identity (ITS)
» Infrastructure and Sustainability (Property and Facilities)
» Insurance Services
» Integrity Unit
» Intelligence and Engagement
» Internal Audit
» International (Medicine)
» International Admissions
» International Development
» International Visits and Events
» Learning Partnerships
» Learning Skills Development & Services Projects
» Legal Services
» Legal Services (Research & Intellectual Property)
» Library Technology Service
» Marketing
» Marketing and Communications (Medicine)
» Medical Program Admissions and Student Support (Medicine)
» Medicine Postgraduate Programs
» National Imaging Facility
» Office of the University Librarian
» Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President
» Procurement and Payment Services
» Project Delivery (Property and Facilities)
» Project Governance Office
» Protein Expression Facility
» Research Commercial Management
» Research Ethics and Integrity
» Research Grants Unit
» Research Infrastructure
» Research Strategy and Performance
» Service Automation and Events (ITS)
» Service Desk (ITS)
» Sponsored Students
» Strategy, Planning and Implementation
» Student and Academic Administration (Medicine)
» Student Centre - St Lucia Campus
» Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution
» Student Experience and Engagement
» Student Fees and Scholarships
» Student Interface
» Student Progression Unit
» Student Services - Gatton Campus
» Sustainability Office (Property and Facilities)
» Systems, Operations, Analytics & Projects
» Talent, Learning & Development
» Transport Systems
» Travel Management Services
» University of Queensland Biological Resources
» UQ Drones Platform
» UQ Energy Initiative
» UQ Materials Performance
» UQ Med School Admin
» Wellbeing & International Student Advice
» Widening Participation
» Workplace Injury Management
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